Of course, these days, Slip and Slide is more than the name of a fabulous sock pattern. It snowed last night. Again. Happily, it was only a few inches of powdery fluff - stuff I could sweep off the steps with a broom. Miracle of miracles, our road is in better shape than most in the city right now. This never happens. Usually we wait for days for the appearance of a plow. I am just really happy that the cop gave in and allowed me my 'dream car'. I'd missed my Blazer a lot. ::a lot:: I've used the 4wd on my new baby many times already this season - including today - just to get traction on the slick snow-covered high school driveway. I'd had a bad feeling about weather this season. The last few years have been too tame. We're due. At least I can enjoy it a little again now that I have an appropriate vehicle.
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