Thursday, November 29, 2012

Holiday Knitting on Hold

I have several double-secret items in progress, but they're all on hold for the quick knitting of a baby hat/mittens for my hubby's friend's 6 month old son. Nothing like digging around in one's stash of "old" acrylic yarn* and pulling out the perfect skein. (*stuff purchased before I got hooked on wool, that is now relegated to the bottom of a tote to languish until I need it for someone allergic to wool or for a small child that needs something easily washed.)

So the skein of soft, bulky yarn has become a hat with flaps and possibly some little bear ears on top. This turned out so well, that I think I may write up the pattern.

Now to find some matching yarn for mittens.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Alpaca fluff makes me happy

Oh, Alpaca... how I love thee...

Picked up 4oz of this super soft alpaca at the Endless Mountain Fiber Festival in September. It spun up like a dream on my pretty drop spindle, and was destined to become a scarf for (name withheld on the really remote chance that said person should stumble upon this blog.)

The scarf has been designed and knit. Photos to follow! I may even post the pattern.